Flourish’s Vision

Personal growth and development are at the forefront when we think about clients. The vision is to reach women across the globe on multiple platforms. We want to be part of the worldwide movement toward enhanced personal awareness, intention and well-being.

Love and guidance without judgement

Honesty and vulnerability

Simplicity and truth

Community and care

What is Flourish* by Sonika now...

  • an online platform (website)
  • a digital newsletter (you can subscribe here)
  • a social media presence on Instagram and Facebook

Where Flourish* by Sonika is going…

  • A powerful and supportive membership site, where there is ample opportunity for personal growth and development, collaboration, community and care. It will provide functional tools to enable transformation.
  • International author and speaker, who teaches with intention and alignment, from a place of authenticity and simplicity.
  • Specific and meaningful group coaching programs presented online and in the workforce. Teaching and coaching the values of characteristics, responsibility, balance, purpose, intention, awareness and alignment.
  • Purposeful collaborations with likeminded women who provide value, honesty and care.

How can you be involved…

We have a number of exciting opportunities available for collaborating with us. If you are interested in partnering with us, please connect with us.

You can connect with us on our social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook or send us an email.