My Manifesto

I have committed myself to personal growth and development in 2018.

People what change. But they rarely are committed to the process of change.

Personal development is important to me. People get stuck in a place and a time and can’t seem to move forward. They start to live in the comfort zone. No magic can happen there. Personal development is a daily task. It requires commitment and daily habits.

In this blog I will be sharing a powerful tool I received.

Create a plan for your development and growth. You were created with a purpose and a dream.

What do you answer when people ask you, who are you? I usually tell them what I do for a living, not who I am.

At the Finesse #EkWil.EkKan.EkSal Conference, 17 February 2018, Jannie Putter shared his manifesto with us. And that got me thinking… who I am?

I wrote my manifesto, so this is who I want to be in five years time.

I am a woman. Celebrated on an international level for the knowledge that I share with regards to balancing my family?‍?‍?‍?  and my career ?‍?. I am a personal development coach.
I am author ? and keynote speaker. I have three books and a fourth one on its way. {Believe me when I say, I have already started writing them.}

I have a gorgeous family and the most supportive husband.
He is with me on every endeavour I undertake. Thank you my darling for living life with me.

We can travel the world. I have companies in both South Africa ??  and  France ?? where I teach annually about leadership and personal development.
Paris is as much our home as Pretoria.

Writing is my soul food. Words life in my mind and by writing I give them the wings to fly.
Clothes are my art. I play dress up every morning.
I am a stylist.?

This is my manifesto.
This is my path.

I am Sonika. Grateful ??. Fearless ?? . Excited?? !

Every one can grown. We are created to grow and to live life to the fullest.

? Have daily habits that will set you up for success.

? Have a plan or a strategy in place for personal development.

? Have an accountability partner {let us have a coffee date

? Create a daily plan for your life and live with intentions.

Let us connect. Share with me, how committed are you to your own personal development and growth plan?

You really are worthy of personal development!


My name is Sonika Krüger. I am a Lifestyle Coach, with my main focus on personal development. I am an Image Consultant and Stylist, as well.

I studies Theology at the University of Pretoria and I am 9 years in ministry. My day job is teaching 4-5 year olds.

I am a balancing act, between motherhood, a career and being an entrepreneur. But I love it!

Thank you for reading my blogs! You are much appreciated.




About Sonika

Sonika Krüger is first of all a mother. She is the owner of Flourish* by Sonika, a Life Coach and a teacher. Flourish* focus on motherhood, lifestyle, personal growth and time management. She shares from her own experiences. She is available for training and speaking engagements. Please follow Flourish* by Sonika on Facebook and Instagram.

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