Your ultimate guide to greatness

Create and live a beautiful life

It is the magical time of Autumn here in sunny South Africa. There is a shift in the overall experience of life. I have experienced a quantum shift in my own life.

When I started with the step into greatness movement, I didn’t expect a shift to happen in my own life as well. I wrote my social media posts, newsletters and blog post for the people who wanted to step into their greatness, because I had already step into mine. Or so I thought.

Allow me to share my story with you.

So my journey into greatness began in 2018 when I joined the Leadership Academy to get certified as a Leadership Coach. That was were I was confronted with the seeds of greatness that is already within me. But for a seed to grow, it needs to be watered. It needs to be in a nourishing environment.

Growth takes time.

2018 was a time of exponential personal growth and development.

This was also the time in which I was introduced to Maxwell Maltz’z Psychocybernuetics. A life altering book. In this book I got inspired about teaching about greatness. It was during the study of this book where I created the acronym for great. Thank you Maxwell Maltz for taking me on this journey.


  • G – goals | gifts | gratitude
  • R – reflect | review | realign
  • E – energy | emotions | energy
  • A – attitude | accountability | abundance
  • T – truth | trust

For me to step into my greatness took nine months of intense self study. In this time I was confronted with my own high functioning anxiety. In this time I had to face my own humanity, past and hurt I experienced. Self study and personal growth is not romantic. It leaves you raw, exposed and vulnerable. There were days when I was so tired I couldn’t even function. There was days when emotions overwhelmed me. There were days I had to fight just to keep breathing.

Was it worth it? Absolutely yes!

I took my December holiday to build myself up. To sleep. To exercise. To eat well. I knew 2019 had a lot of challenges and changes I had to face. But one is never really full prepared for life.

Then March 2019 happened. Life can throw curveballs like never expected. I am a deep believer in Jesus Christ and His love and salvation for me. Ash Wednesday was on 6 March, the day when preparation for Lent began. I was going to dedicate the 40 days of Lent to loved ones who was experiencing great struggles. I fasted from wine and to drink less coffee.

And so my own quantum shift happened. I began to read the book May Cause Miracles from Gabby Bernstein. While also starting with the movement of step into your greatness. Again one can plan, but life happens.

On the 22 day of May Cause Miracles my own shift happened and I was forced to open myself up to love and to let go of the ego. The ego lets me live in fear. The ego lets me live in judgment. The ego doesn’t want me to live an abundant life. This week I had to mourn my old self. I had to mourn the “death” of my ego. This week I realised I need to step into my greatness and own my truth.

For greatness to happen you have to make a choice. With this choice begins change. Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. Eckart Tolle teaches in his book New Earth that each one of us only has this breath right now. Be mindful and present with your breath. Being mindful about every present moment, allows you to fully take advantage of the change that is happening.

Give yourself time. Don’t rush, but trust the process.

Gabby Bernstein teaches that when you step into greatness you give others permission to do the same.

There is something magical in the air when change occurs. When season change. When people change. When life change. Sometimes change happens easily. Sometimes change is hard. But change is always beautiful in the end.

My five take-aways from this blog:

  1. Greatness is a choice that allows change
  2. When you step into greatness you give others permission to do the same
  3. This greatness journey is a journey that will leave you raw and vulnerable at time, just trust the process
  4. Life happens, but that is also when the quantum shifts takes place
  5. Give yourself time – time to be more fully present

Tell me in the comments, how can I help you to step into your greatness?

About Sonika

Sonika Krüger is first of all a mother. She is the owner of Flourish* by Sonika, a Life Coach and a teacher. Flourish* focus on motherhood, lifestyle, personal growth and time management. She shares from her own experiences. She is available for training and speaking engagements. Please follow Flourish* by Sonika on Facebook and Instagram.

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