Compassion removes barriers

This has been one of those weeks, where everything that could have gone wrong, have gone wrong. In the Christian calendar, it is Pentecostal week, in which we celebrate the Holy Spirit and the comfort that He gives us.

Even tough it has been a tiring week, it was also special.

“Compassion removes barriers.”

With these words in mind, I learned two lessons this week.

Allow me to share this with you.

When you are tasked with a responsibility, whether it is being the tea lady or the CEO of a mayor company, don’t be negligent. There are people relying and trusting you to do your job well. We all have a circle of influence. Your influence wisely. There is only one you, be the best you possible.

Be accountable.

I have lost a lifelong friend this week due to quick reactions and impulse decisions. I myself, are sometimes very quick to anger, with heartbreaking consequences.

This week I have learned that every action has a reaction. Don’t react when angry. Don’t react without knowing the whole truth. Do your research. Make sure of the facts. Then react with the best possible outcome.

So the two lessons that I have learned in this past week:
1. Do every task with great responsibility.
2. Don’t be quick with anger. Think first and the act.

 If it meant something to you, please share, so that someone else can be inspired.

About Sonika

Sonika Krüger is first of all a mother. She is the owner of Flourish* by Sonika, a Life Coach and a teacher. Flourish* focus on motherhood, lifestyle, personal growth and time management. She shares from her own experiences. She is available for training and speaking engagements. Please follow Flourish* by Sonika on Facebook and Instagram.

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